Originally, we had planned to see the Stonehenge of Kentucky. Because it was free and, let's face it, gloriously tacky with plenty of grass to run and play and stone perfect for hiding and fairy dances.
By some strange mishap, the kind of mishap that occurs when Patrick and I combine our heads with a map and a plan, we ended up in Glasgow. And then we missed every turn for all the agreed-upon destinations, so we found ourselves with restless munchkins and Fort Williams.
Patrick and Max read historical signs and scoped out the cannons, while Micah, Milla and I tried to decide whether we should snack on some pebbles. Then I remembered that I had downloaded the Georock Geocaching application to my iPhone.... Out of curiosity, I check to see if any caches were located near Glasgow. Well, it turns out that we were sitting on a cache-mine! Fort Williams was the location for geocache.
I screeched at Patrick and Max, thus interrupting their fruitful monologue with history, "Let's go geocaching!!" And off we went, wandering with the compass, like a game of hot and cold but loads more fun.
Just when we were about to give up and leave the woods, I spotted something that looked like box covered in camo-tape under some large branches near a tree root. Sure enough, it was our cache!
Max thinks to himself, "I don't know why I didn't find that one. I mean, I saw it in my mind...."
The glory of a good geocache find.
This moment was eerie- I could almost hear a Gloria Estefan song in the background, which simultaneously revolted and excited me.
Back at the Fort, trying to decide what to take and give.
Max ended up taking a jump rope, and Micah picked a kaleidoscope. Milla played with the first aid kit and seemed to be happy with a Hello-Kitty bandaid. We left a golf ball and a Snoopy Activity Pad for the next fortunate son. I'm sure rest areas are filled with caches! What a great, cheap, exciting, unpredictable way in which to break up a long, car-trip day.....